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Vortex Mixers
Choose the Perfect Vortex Mixer From Four Durable Models for Everyday Mixing


Control Fixed Speed
Duty Rating Intermittent
Orbit 0.2 in (4.9 mm)
Item Number: 30392110
Four OHAUS Vortex Mixer models for gentle to high-speed reliable mixing. Non-digital model offers variable speed control, and digital model allows input of the exact speed and time to achieve repeatable results every time. Pulsing model features a unique pulse action that reduces heat generation, while providing more effective mixing and cell disruption. Fixed speed model offers simple one-touch, high-speed mixing for repeat applications.
Re-Suspending Liquids, Mixing Reagents, Buffers and Emulsions, ELISA Assay, Drug Extractions, Mixing Samples
Independent LED displays for speed/time allow the operator to view both settings simultaneously (digital models) and adjustment knob with dial markings for variable speed control (analog models)
Detachable 3-wire cord and plug (included)
Cup head and 3-inch accessory platform for beakers, flasks, test tubes etc. (included with all models), stainless steel microtube holder for 12 tubes (pulsing models)
Design Features
Microprocessor-control to maintain set speed for consistent mixing action (digital models)
Control Fixed Speed
Duty Rating Intermittent
Orbit 0.2 in (4.9 mm)
Speed Range 2800 rpm
Capacity 0.5 kg
Timer Not Applicable
Dimensions 8.3 in x 6.5 in x 4.8 in (21 cm x 16.5 cm x 12.3 cm) (LxHxW)
Net Weight 9.7 lb (4.4 kg)
Power 230V, 0.6A, 50/60Hz
Power Consumption 135 W
Safety Certification CE;TUV
Working Environment 39°F – 104°F, 20% – 85%RH, non-condensing (4°C – 40°C, 20% – 85%RH, non-condensing)

Item Number



7.6 cm Rubber Head Cover (3 in)

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7.6 cm Head (3 in)

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8 cm Head with Rubber Cover