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Floor Scales

DF Series

Economical Floor Scale for Basic Industrial Applications
OHAUS Defender 3000 Series of floor scales are the best value for all your heavy-duty weighing needs. Available in both square and rectangular designs, corresponding ramps and mounting accessories, and with the added benefit of pit mounting options, the OHAUS Defender 3000 floor platforms and scales offer a unique combination of value, quality and dependability that your company can rely on.
DF Series Features
Square and rectangular platforms are available in five sizes from 0.8 x 0.8m to 1.5 x 1.5m and also come with maximum capacities of 1500kg or 3000kg.
The top access stainless steel IP65 junction box is protected from dust and water and makes adjustments easy when the scale is mounted in its available pit frame.
The indicator features a backlit LCD with highly visible 25mm digits, weighing modes such as parts counting and weight accumulation, as well as RS232 interface.
DF Series Models
Maximum Capacity

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Platform Size (LxW)

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Maximum Capacity
1,500 kg
0.5 kg
Maximum Capacity
1,500 kg
0.5 kg
Maximum Capacity
1,500 kg
0.5 kg
Maximum Capacity
1,500 kg
0.5 kg
Maximum Capacity
1,500 kg
0.5 kg
Maximum Capacity
3,000 kg
1 kg
Maximum Capacity
3,000 kg
1 kg
Maximum Capacity
3,000 kg
1 kg
DF Series Product Details
Weighing, Parts Counting, Checkweighing, Dynamic, Accumulation
T32MC: Backlit liquid crystal display (LCD) T32ME: Light-emitting diode display (LED)
AC adapter (included)
Easy access communication port including RS232 interface (included)
Front ABS/rear painted carbon steel indicator and mounting bracket, black painted steel treaded platform, IP65 stainless steel junction box, 5mm thick fixed top plate, 4 H8C IP67 OIML R60 alloy steel load cells, pit frames and ramps (accessories sold separately)
Design Features
150% overload capacity protection
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